Human - Dog Communication Seminar | May

 10/05 – 12/05/2024

These days are about refining the relationship with your dog.

It is about understanding the language of your companion and also being able to “speak”. Dogs communicate with their whole body and they are very quick in their messages. They can read fast interactions better than we can. A good human dog team is created through contact and relationship. Relationship is created through communication, just like in an interpersonal relationship. But for this to succeed it is important that both parties understand each other. It is still a special possibility to feel all this in a group and without any evaluation. It is only about perception and feeling.

In this seminar I am accompanied by my colleague Kim Gantzhorn.

Friday: 14.00 – 17.00
Saturday: 10.00 – 18.00
Sunday: 10.00 – 15.00

Participant with or without dog: 450,- €
Accompanying person from the same household: 250,- €

Maximum number of participants: 6

Location: Unterspitzenbacher Str. 5, 79215 Elzach